New Patients: (205) 209-4780
Existing Patients: (205) 592-4880
972 Montclair Rd Suite 100, Birmingham
AL 35213 | Directions
Unwanted fat that remains on the body and does not respond to diet and exercise can be frustrating for patients trying to improve their appearance. These stubborn areas of fat are commonly found in the midsection, including the abdominal area, flanks, and thighs. While tumescent liposuction procedures can help contour the body and remove these pockets of fat, these treatments are minimally invasive. Instead, Dr. Barry Ginsburg and his team at Ginsburg Dermatology Center and Medical Spa in Birmingham, Alabama, may recommend an alternative solution, such as Cool Sculpting. This is a non-surgical option for unwanted fat removal and is popular among many of our patients.
CoolSculpting is based on a scientific principle called cryolipolysis, or freezing fat. CoolSculpting uses a specialized device that targets and cools unwanted pockets of fat without harming surrounding tissues. This allows for the removal of fat cells safely and effectively.
Each session typically lasts between 30 minutes to one hour, depending on the size of the area being treated and how many sessions are required to reach your desired results.
While some patients see results after just one CoolSculpting session, a series of treatments may be needed to achieve the best possible results. The number of CoolSculpting treatments you will need depends on the number of areas you are looking to treat and how much fat is present in those targeted areas.
In addition to removing stubborn pockets of fat, CoolSculpting also gently tightens skin–resulting in a smoother appearance and contour. Our patients find this treatment convenient because it eliminates stubborn pockets of fat without surgery or downtime! Patients who have undergone CoolSculpting treatments have reported great satisfaction with their results and are excited about how they look afterward. It is incredibly beneficial for patients who have been working hard to achieve their desired weight level but are frustrated with the remaining fat found in the body.
There are various reasons why patients will choose cryolipolysis over more traditional methods of liposuction. Firstly, it is a non-surgical option with minimal side effects. CoolSculpting patients can expect some redness and soreness following the treatment, but these typically subside within a few days. Secondly, while surgical options leave you with a short recovery time, there is no downtime associated with CoolSculpting treatments!  Liposuction is performed under local anesthesia so you are not put to sleep. CoolSculpting requires no anesthesia.
We hope this overview has been helpful as you learn more about our non-surgical options for eliminating unwanted fat cells.
If you would like to schedule a consultation with us here at Ginsburg Dermatology Center and Medical Spa to discuss this or other cosmetic treatments available at our office, call (205) 209-4780 to request a consultation visit at 972 Montclair Road, Suite #100 in Birmingham, AL.